Tag: Suicide

No Greater Joy

I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth. – 3 John v. 4

Lies, Lies, Lies

I don’t know when I was last as angry with the lies of the enemy as I was last night as I attended the memorial service of a young lady.  When I saw her picture on the cover of the order of service the first thought that came to my mind was simply, Satan won.  The thought felt blasphemous coursing through my mind but I don’t know how else to explain what I was feeling.

The face looking back at me belonged to a pretty girl of thirty-one years of age.  She had a warm smile and looked so happy.  She was intelligent, apparently an avid reader of Shakespeare.  She was talented.  She liked to dance and perform in plays from what I understand.  To an outsider, it would certainly appear that this young lady had so much to offer.  Unfortunately, this young lady who had the ability to touch so many lives decided to take her own.  Why?  Lies.


When we think of suicide candidates, we often think of social outcasts or misfits.  For instance, the media likes to exploit the consequence of bullying.  Experience teaches us that peers prey on the weak and vulnerable; those that don’t fit in because of their looks, intelligence level, social status, social skills, you name it.  When one of these so-called misfits commits suicide we try to raise awareness condemning bullying and promoting tolerance and acceptance.  But we have a greater problem and a more dangerous enemy.


As I was reminded last night, the father of lies doesn’t limit his attacks to the weak and vulnerable.  He preys on everyone.  He is the ultimate bully.  His lies are so dangerous because they are so subtle; often they are letters delivered in envelopes of truth.  I am not sure which lies he used against this young lady, but ultimately I know it boiled down to this, “You are a failure, there is no hope, life isn’t worth it.”  Consequently, she ended her life and to most of the world became just another statistic.

Spiritual Battle

But she was certainly, more than a statistic.  That is another lie of the enemy.  We have to expose the dangers of the ultimate bully.  We have to counter him with the Truth.  The media is not going to do it.  As believers, it is our responsibility to understand the spiritual battle going on and to be actively engaged in it.

Truths, Truths, Truths

The truth is, this young lady was not a failure, rather she was fearfully and wonderfully made, knitted together in her mother’s womb by God Himself.  He created her in His image.

The truth is as long as we have breath, we have hope.  Hope that is tethered to the death and resurrection of Christ.  I am not sure what demons this young lady was battling, but I know that none of them was greater than Christ.

The truth is her life was worth living.  Her heavenly Father created her with the capacity to enjoy fellowship with Him.  What could possibly give life more meaning and purpose than walking with God?  Like Gaius, she had the ability to walk in the truth.

Anger & Action

As I saw her grieving parents I was forced to do some reflecting.  Sure I was angry at the enemy of our souls, but anger doesn’t do any good if it doesn’t result in action and change.  The money tables need to be overturned, and the cord needs to be wielded.  Time for a little soul searching.

How often do I succumb to the enemy’s lies in regard to my own children?  What are my highest priorities for them?  Do I just want them to be happy?  Do I just want them to be safe and comfortable?  Do I worry about their popularity?  Perhaps my main concern is financial stability?  For some, it is a college education.  Maybe it’s a good marriage.  Find a doctor or rocket scientist for my daughters to marry and everything will be okay.  In time they will give us grandchildren to play with and enjoy and send home when we are tired.  Lies, Lies, Lies.

God created them for so much more.

Walking in THE Truth

When the disciple whom Jesus loved wrote to Gaius, his heart was blessed because it was reported to him by the brothers that Gaius was walking in the truth.  As Gaius’ spiritual father, John could not have been prouder.  In fact, he said, nothing brings him greater joy than to hear that his children are walking in the truth.  Quite a statement.

John was intimate with Jesus.  He penned some of the most beautiful words ever written.  As we resolve to battle the lies of the enemy, it might be wise to saturate our minds with the Gospel that bears his name.  Paul tells us that Christ is the image of the invisible God. Perhaps no one gives us a clearer picture of Christ than John.  In his Gospel, Jesus is presented as the Way, the Truth, and the Life.  God’s answer to Lies, Lies, Lies.

Greatest Joy

We need to remember that we are in a spiritual battle.  Ultimately our enemy is not drugs, alcohol, bullies, divorces, unemployment, etc.  Our enemy is Satan and his lies.  But he is no match for God, and that is the truth.

As a fellow believer, I ask you today to commit with me to consistently saturate your mind with Truth.  Might we resolve to read and meditate on the Word of God on a regular basis.  If you are a parent, I challenge you to diligently train your children in the Word of God as well.  Might we have a desire for our children and grandchildren to have a healthy fear of God and hunger for His Word.  As parents, may we strive for and experience the “greatest joy”!

The father of lies will not have the final word.  The truth is, even a sad memorial service can result in His glory.

“If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, 32 and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” – John 8:31b-32