About me

Scott’s encouraging and authentic approach

to scripture draws people in and captivates them immediately. Scott has been a student of the word for over 30 years. During this time Scott served as a pastor and was able to encourage other believers with his speaking…

…But Scott’s real love is writing.

He loves to encourage others through the study and writing of God’s word.  Life has given him it’s fair share of “Roller Coasters”. But he has stayed firm in the faith through the midst of them all.

.Scott has years of writings in his mind. And when Scott’s mother was diagnosed with stage four cancer he decided it was time to start getting his writings out there to encourage others who may be going through the same things….

Follow along as Scott shares the “darkest Valleys” including infertility, the death of a child, his mother being diagnosed with stage 4 cancer and more…

…. BUT Not only will you follow along on the “Darkest Valleys but also the “Highs”. Including the blessings of a great wife, children, grandchildren, following Gods plan and more….

daily devotional

If you are interested in being encouraged and inspired  please check out the devotional series here!