Tag: Sorrows and Griefs

Griefs and Sufferings


“A man of sorrows and acquainted with grief.” – Isaiah 53:3a

Somber Description

“A man of sorrows and acquainted with grief.”  Not the words I would want on my tombstone.  Not that I want a tombstone.  Certainly an appropriate description of Job.  But this isn’t about me.  It isn’t about Job.  This is how Isaiah portrays our Savior.  Part of his theme of the Suffering Servant.  But this isn’t a reflection of Jesus’ disposition or character.  He is not painting Him as a melancholy person or a man “down on his luck”. Rather, Isaiah continues to show our Savior in the light of a servant.  Look at what he says in verse 4.

“Surely He has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows.”  That is quite a picture.  The source of His griefs and sorrows is not internal but external. When Isaiah tells us that the Suffering Servant is a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief, he is not criticizing an internal flaw but rather exalting a vicarious or selfless nature.  Unfortunately, the world doesn’t recognize this. Rather, Isaiah tells us, “He was despised and rejected by men.”  Now that is a reason to be sorrowful!

Bearing our Burdens

Who doesn’t have sorrows?  Who doesn’t have griefs?  When weighed down by problems who doesn’t want a place to run to for relief?  Maybe a shoulder to cry on?  How much better, a friend to bear our sorrows and carry our griefs?  Or how about taking them to a God who cares?  Sound too good to be true?  Test Him.  This Man that men deemed to be weak can bear anything we take to Him.

Maybe you have lost a parent, spouse or child.  Perhaps you have lost a job.  Maybe your reputation has been tarnished.  Possibly even undeservedly.  Maybe your marriage is on the rocks.  Perhaps it was shipwrecked long ago.  If you’re not grieving a lost loved one maybe you are grieving a lost relationship.  A best friend has become a bitter enemy.  The child you nurtured will no longer speak to you.  Could be your sorrows stem from financial concerns.   Maybe you have lost your home.  Perhaps your retirement has been wiped out.  A savings nest has been depleted by an unexpected expense.  If we are following Job’s list, perhaps your burden is health related.  Cancer.  Heart condition.  Blood sugar.  Blood pressure.  Infertility.  Emotional stress.  Maybe you’re grieving over something you have said or done to someone.  Maybe you’re grieving over something someone said or did to you.  The source of your sorrows and griefs isn’t the issue here. The sources are infinite.  The issue is the only solution. Our suffering Servant.

Sin’s Children

When Jesus carried the cross to Calvary, He not only bore our sins, He also bore sin’s consequences.  Such are sorrows and griefs. They are sin’s children.  Jesus not only carried them on His back, He covered them with His blood.  The world may despise and reject Him, but He wants us to come to Him.  Just as we are.  That is why He came to us.  On His heavenly throne, He would never be described as a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief.  But He left Heaven because we needed Him.  He left Heaven because He loves us.  “Come to Me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”  Wow.  Come to me.  Exchange your heavy burden for rest.  How?  He is going to bear your heavy burden.  We just need to go to Him and let go.  The troubles won’t necessarily disappear, but they will become much lighter as Jesus carries the weight.  “Take My yoke upon, you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.”  (Matthew 11:29)  Our Savior has taken on flesh and blood.  He has stooped to our level, so He can get under our sorrows and griefs and bear them for us.

“A man of sorrows acquainted with griefs.”  What a Servant.  “Surely He has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows”.  What a Savior.  “So also you have sorrow now, but I will see you again, and your hearts will rejoice, and no one will take your joy from you” (John 16:22).  What a promise!