Tag: Hell


They will suffer the punishment of eternal destruction, away from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of his might -2 Thessalonians 1:9

50 and throw them into the fiery furnace. In that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. – Matthew 13:50


I’m not sure how long I have been here.  It could be a day, a week, or perhaps years since I was buried and then brought here.  But if I am going to spend all of eternity here what difference does it make how much time has elapsed since I arrived?  All I know is I want relief.

In life, I rejected the abundant living water that Christ offered (John 7:37).  Water that would forever satisfy my spiritual thirst (John 4:13).  Now like the rich man of Jesus’ parable, I long for a drop of water from the tip of Lazarus’ finger for a moments respite from my anguish (Luke 16:24).

My life on earth was truly a vapor as the Bible says.  Death came too quickly.  It always does.  If only I had the sense to redeem the short time I was allotted.  But like too many, I lived each day as if tomorrow was guaranteed.  Now I know that two of the few guarantees for mankind are death and eternity.

The most important question one can address in life is where he will spend eternity.  Oh, why didn’t I see that when my lungs still contained the breath of life?  Why did I chase temporal pleasures?


In life, I flattered myself with the notion that I made a lot of sacrifices in the name of morality.  In actuality, I was feeding the fire of my lusts and passions.  Just as my tongue will never experience the relief of a drop of water, neither will my passions be assuaged in Hell.

In my worldliness, how much time did I waste developing passions and desires for which there is no gratification in hell?  Did I not understand that the desires we build on earth will follow us to the grave?  No wonder we are told to set our minds (affections) on things above (Col 3:1-2).  But I didn’t heed the Truth.  Accordingly, eternal torment is my lot.  Instead of fulfillment, I will only know frustration.

Now I know why the Bible warns against the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the boastful pride of life (1 John 2:16).  Like the Proverb (30:16) says, a fire is never satisfied.  It always wants more to burn.  And such are the passions of men.

Why did I never learn that the flesh is never satisfied?  The harder I ran after my pursuits, the more elusive they became.  Now I know that the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of life are just more of Satan’s means of keeping us preoccupied with ungodly things.


When I was granted the ability to retain my awareness until my burial, I thought I was being done a favor.  Now I recognize that it was just another way of the enemy of my soul to torment me.

He knew that the affection and the kind words that were being shown towards me would only serve as reminders of what I would forever be denied here in Hell.  Never again will I be able to show my love for those so dear to me or enjoy their fellowship.  Hell is no place for relationships.

The awful groaning and cries remind me that others are present, but the thick darkness denies me a sight of the sources.  I know this place is full of other sufferers like myself, but there is no company in this misery.  Despite the foolish caricatures painted about hell among the living, those that occupy it know it is no place for frivolity.  Certainly, it is not a place conducive to parties.

Don’t believe the Devil’s lies.  Hell is real.  The torment is unbearable.  Hope and joy do not abide here.  Nor will you ever find peace here.  Bodily anguish, agonized consciences, and frustrated passions do not produce such fruit.  If only I had recognized the seeds I was casting when I walked the earth.


It is said that God is omnipresent.  I have been told that even here in the pit of Hell I cannot escape His presence.  But this is no consolation to me.  In fact, like the memories of my loved ones, it only serves as another form of torment.  In fact, it is the worst torment.

Like all of mankind, I was created to have an intimate relationship with my Creator.  My purpose was to bring Him glory.  Forever.  Instead, I am in Hell’s darkness, forever denied an opportunity to fellowship with my Creator.  To think that His loving eyes are upon me only brings me shame.  He sent His only Son to die for me and I died in unbelief.

I am without excuse.

My sins sent Jesus to the cross.  On the cross, Jesus bore my punishment.  His blood was shed to appease a Righteous God for my sins.  But placing my faith in Him sounded too simple.  Rather than placing my faith in the finished work of Christ, I chose to rely on my own works and good deeds.

Now I realize that God placed before me the choice between life and death (Deut. 30:19).  Because I did not embrace Christ, by default I chose death.  Instead of hearing God tell me, “Well done good and faithful servant”, I will forever suffer the shame of rejecting His love.  Whether His righteous gaze is actually on me in this place is irrelevant.  The shame that I feel is real.  And I will never escape it.


Don’t share my fate.  Stay away from this place.  Although my fate is set in stone, for you there is still hope.  I am not trying to “scare” you into salvation.  I believe love is a greater motivator than fear, and I am doing the most loving thing that I can; sharing truth with you.  Truth that has eternal consequences.

It is not a cruel man that warns others of impending danger, but a loving man.  Please heed my warning!!

Death and eternity are two guarantees.  And death will come quickly.  It always does.  Tomorrow may not be guaranteed, but your salvation can be.  Now is a favorable time, now is the day of salvation (2 Cor. 6:2).  Stop feeding your worldly passions and set your mind on things above.

It is time to place your treasures in Heaven (Matthew 6:19), beginning with your soul.  Place your faith in Christ, and Christ alone.  Don’t die in unbelief as I did.  I have just given you the warning I wish someone would have made more clear to me.  Trust me.  You would rather spend eternity in the presence of God and His saints with praise on your lips than experiencing the weeping and gnashing of teeth in the unbearable heat and loneliness of Hell.

Hell is real.  And only Jesus can keep you from it.

12 And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.” – Acts 4:12